Sale shopping can be an extreme sport for some, as the search for a genuinely good bargain requires time and commitment. However while I went through the list of things I think are worth buying on sale, there are some things I think are ultimately going to be a waste of money in the long run — even if they’re heavily discounted. This could be because they don’t fit, won’t work back with the rest of your wardrobe or doesn’t really gel with your style. By buying something just because it’s on sale, you end up wasting your precious fashion dollars, money that could have been directed to something perfect for your wardrobe. So, keep these things in mind the next time you’re faced with a sale…
Clothes that are too small
It’s no fun when you find something you love but it’s the wrong size, but don’t fall into the trap of grabbing something that’s quite snug with the plan to fit into it someday. The chances are, that item of clothing will remain at the back of the cupboard. It can be a different story with something that is a little bigger as that can be tailored but be wary of clothes that are too tight a fit. Been there, done that!
A wildcard item
Every so often you may find something that seems a little out of place from your wardrobe repertoire and it can be a a welcome addition to your closet. Generally however, anything that’s a bit of a wild card is likely a wild card for one reason: it doesn’t work with your look and clothes you already own. Also, when prices are slashed, that’s when the temptation to buy something because it’s on sale can kick in and that’s when there’s a high chance you’ll end up with something that won’t work. So, put down that random item and spend your money on something worthwhile instead. Sale time isn’t the time to go all out with a neon yellow dress when your look 365 days of the year comprises entirely of neutrals.
Multiples of things you already own
Most of us are creatures of habit when it comes to what we wear so it’s natural to gravitate towards safe, tried and tested pieces at sale time. I’m all for sticking within your wheelhouse but when you’re buying identical items over and over again, that’s bad for your bank balance and also doesn’t expand your outfit options in any way. Yes, you may love white tees, but do you have to buy the exact same white tee to the 10 you already have in your closet? One of your aims with buying anything whether it’s on sale or not should be to open up some new outfit options.
Anything that’s uncomfortable
It doesn’t matter if something is designer and 75 per cent off, if you are not going to be comfortable in it, you’ll never wear it which means you’ve just wasted money on something that’s never going to see the light of day. I’m talking about things that are itchy, scratchy, have too many buttons when you hate buttons, requires constant readjusting or generally requires way too much thought when you’ve got it on. This will become annoying and once again, you will never wear it and it will just take up valuable wardrobe real estate.
Something that’s wrong to start with
If there’s something a little off about a garment, there’s a good chance that you’ll find it hard to wear with anything else unless you go to a lot of effort to fix it. (Yes, even when it’s really, really cheap and it’s begging you to buy it!). I’m talking things that you say, “oh I’ll get it dyed” or “I’ll get those buttons turned into zippers”. These changes require time and effort, not to mention money and with many of us busy, sometimes you just won’t get around to it and the years will roll by and you’ll still have that pair of yellow pants that you were meaning to make black.
When you can’t immediately think of outfits you can make with it
If something works, and is a genuinely good buy, you’ll be able to rattle off a number of different outfits you can wear with it. That means it’s a good piece to fit into the puzzle that is your wardrobe. However if you’re struggling to think of ways you can style it, then take it as a sign that it’s an item that’s not going to work back with the rest of your closet.
2023-12-28 08:02:00
#buy #sale #time
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