Home Australia Fashion The Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023

The Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023

8 reasons to add APT's Douro Delights river cruise to your travel list
8 reasons to add APT's Douro Delights river cruise to your travel list

The Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition for 2023 is here. If you’re new to this old blog, my annual campaign is at the core of everything I do on my platforms and in my business. 

My key message with this campaign has always been the same: you do not need a so-called beach or pool body to wear a swimsuit and get in the water. You just need to put on the damn swimsuit, go to the beach or jump in the pool.

In 2013 when I first started this campaign, the Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition featured just me, a size 14-16, then 46-year-old woman showcasing a range of different swimsuits. My aim was to encourage you find a swimsuit that you felt comfortable enough in to briefly silence the inner critic we all carry in our heads and get on with enjoying summer.

A decade ago, Instagram was but a baby and online retailers were only showcasing fashion on a traditional model’s body. I know we have come a long way but there is still a long way to go with increased diversity in fashion marketing. In 2013, there was zero diversity. So, putting myself in swimsuits on the internet offered up one other body alternative. It was a small step towards helping more women “see” themselves in a swimsuit but I knew I could do better.

Fast forward to 2020, (because, lordy, there had to be something good come out of that year), I gently encouraged more women to join me in this annual campaign. That year, the Annual Swimsuit Edition featured in Stellar Magazine and on Studio 10. 

I honestly didn’t know whether I had it in me to do it again this year but I reminded myself that if my turning up on the Internet in my bathers/cossie/swimsuit/togs is enough for just ONE woman to get into a swimsuit this summer, then it’s worth my daily grappling with my own body acceptance.

Just because I show up here and on social media in a swimsuit, doesn’t mean I’ve magically been able to flick a switch on the diet culture and body shaming I was brought up on and love every bit about my body, every day. Many in my generation are doing the work to unpack everything we were told/learned about our bodies. It’s definitely a daily mental muscle for me – a muscle I want to keep exercising, particularly as I get older. 

On this photoshoot day, that mental muscle was tested, yes, but it was also supported by the nine other women involved in this year’s campaign. Our photographer Kate Luke was chief hype girl and it was wonderful to take a step back and watch each of the other women hype another up when it was time for their photo.

I’ve said it other years, but I’ll say it again … if we could have somehow bottled the vibe felt on the day so it could be passed on to you, to your sisters, your girlfriends, your mums and your aunties, so many more of us would find a little more inner peace and gratitude for the bodies we have right now.

It’s time we celebrate the beauty in our differences. Beauty is not one look, one colour, one body, one height, one shape, one size, one age, one ability. It’s understanding and accepting that fat, cellulite, crepey skin, hair, stretch marks, thighs that touch (hot tip: want a thigh gap? Stand with your legs apart), non-perky breasts, flat bottoms and wrinkled skin are normal. 

Beauty is in confidence and confidence comes from within. Make this year the year that you find a little more of that confidence, buy the damn swimsuit and wear it often!

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023

Scroll on for inspiration from some incredible women I’m privileged to call friends. If you’re not already following them on social media, please do so. When you fill your social media feed with a diverse range of women, it’s about you controlling what you see and celebrating beauty beyond an archaic standard we were served up for way too long. This goes such a long way to helping our own individual journeys with body neutrality.

Do also check out each of the independent swimwear labels they’re wearing. Independent labels are where it’s at – particularly Australian independents. The women behind these labels “get” women and are designing swimwear to suit our lifestyle. Reach out to them for help with sizing and styles. They want to help you feel comfortable and confident in a swimsuit.

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - Nikki Parkinson in Saint SomebodyStyling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - Nikki Parkinson in Saint Somebody

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - Nikki Parkinson in Saint SomebodyStyling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - Nikki Parkinson in Saint Somebody


WEARING (bikini + robe): 

Saint Somebody


Saint Somebody has a new one-piece with the same comfortable, textured rib fabric and white rib binding as the bikini I’m wearing. It was my first pick – and has been an amazing seller for Saint Somebody this season. I was sent both to try and I had to be honest with myself, the mid-rise bikini better suited my body/torso proportions than the one piece. And my personal preference for a swimsuit, particularly for home, is a bikini because in the peak of Brisbane’s heat and humidity, wrangling yourself into a one-piece can be fraught (read, lazy girl).


I nearly didn’t wear the bikini, despite it being the better choice for me. I had all those negative voices in my head (and lately reinforced in comments on social media) saying that I was too old, too big, to wobbly, too everything to wear a bikini but, in the end, I reminded myself that life’s too short to choose a swimsuit just to conform to someone else’s expectations or to pander to their projection on me of their own body issues. I’m older than my mother and my mother-in-law got to be. It’s an absolute privilege to be here still making a splash. 

Sonia Koroma wears Infamous SwimsSonia Koroma wears Infamous Swims

Sonia – @sonish_space


Infamous Swim

(Shop at Infamous Swim and save 15% with code STYLINGYOU)


I love the cut, pattern and colourful print, which fits my style.


Your body is a masterpiece; every curve tells a story of strength and resilience. As women, our bodies undergo many changes, and our bodies are curved and shaped differently. Embrace the beauty that is uniquely you. You don’t have to fit into the societal standards of what a swimsuit body should look like. Those standards do not determine your worth. Don’t let fear hold you back from enjoying the sun, the water, and the freedom that comes with it. Enjoy and celebrate yourself. Go, girl, wear that swimsuit!

Kate Cooper wears Baiia Kate Cooper wears Baiia

Kate – @itskatejanmaree



(Save 10% off until January 1, 2024 with the code BAIIASTYLING10 )


The print! I love the pops of bright colour and the playful design. The reversible style and the three separate piece construction means I can mix and match this set so many different ways and it will nearly always look like a new swimsuit!


We all get scared sometimes, and that’s okay. But missing out on the memories you could be making, the fun you could be having, the life you could be living if you don’t wear the swimsuit, is the only thing you’ll regret in the end. Life is there to be lived – live it in a swimsuit and with a smile!

Brooke Falvey wears BotehBrooke Falvey wears Boteh

Brooke – @brookefalvey




I usually opt for a plain black swimsuit but the mix of colours and prints in this Boteh one piece called out to me for something different. Plus I loved the scoop back element.


It’s so easy to do but try to to let your thoughts stop you from enjoying this summer. As soon as the day is over all your friends and family will remember is how much fun you had, and how lovely it felt to be in the water. Plus most people are too busy worrying about what they look like in their swimmers to notice how you look in yours, so take a deep breath, and put on that swimsuit and enjoy the moment.

April The Bodzilla wears Curvy by CaprioscaApril The Bodzilla wears Curvy by Capriosca

April – @thebodzilla


Curvy by Capriosca

(SAVE 10% until December 25 at Curvy by Capriosca with the code SWIMSUIT10)


This swimsuit screams “European summer!” and with little hope of being able to go to Tuscany any time soon, I settled for the Tuscany print in a sexy but practical one piece with a v neck. Everything about this swimsuit is right for me!


There are two things that I know to be true in this life:

1. Most people are not paying as much attention to you as they are to themselves.

2. It doesn’t matter if they are.

Karen wears Une PieceKaren wears Une Piece

Karen – @karen_suzanne_


Une Piece

(Save 10% at Une Piece with the code STYLINGYOU)


I love the fit and neckline and the fabric is also super supportive


Just put a swimsuit on and get and enjoy yourself. No-one has a perfect figure, so don’t let the hangups hold you back from being present in your family’s life.

Sara wears Ellenny SwimSara wears Ellenny Swim

Sara – @nolegs_noworries


Elleny Swim

(SAVE 10% at Elleny Swim with the code Styling You)


I love the fit, the style of the swimsuit and the gorgeous colours/patterns. This swimsuit fits me well in all the right places, and the inbuilt support in the bust is great! I prefer a more modest style and the options at Ellenny Swim enabled me to choose accordingly.


My body is not like others. And, it took me almost 30 years of my life to realise that EVERY body is a beach, pool and summer body – including mine. Don’t let others opinions or perceptions stop you from defining your level of comfort or style. Embrace your quirks – and wear that damn swimsuit because life is too short not to!

Jan wears Lilly & Lime SwimwearJan wears Lilly & Lime Swimwear

Jan – @retiring_not_shy


Lilly & Lime Swimwear

(SAVE 15% at Lilly & Lime with code STYLINGYOU15)


I love the print, it’s just so different. I also liked the cap sleeve and the back details. Perfect for beach to bar with the addition of a skirt, shorts or sarong. And being tall, having the option to size up for a longer torso was excellent.


Take a look around you. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes are wearing swimsuits and enjoying life. If you are an older woman, like me, don’t miss out on having fun in the water with the younger generations – they really want you to join in.

Charity wears Capriosca SwimwearCharity wears Capriosca Swimwear

Charity – @her__simplelife


Capriosca Swimwear

(SAVE 10% until December 25 at Capriosca with the code SWIMSUIT10)


I fell in love with the Maui Tankini Set at first glance. The bright color and gorgeous floral design grabbed my attention, and the soft, luxurious feel of the high-quality fabric sealed the deal. The bust support and tummy control are total game-changers, making me feel comfortable and confident. It’s the perfect blend of style and comfort for a hot summer’s day at the beach or by the pool.


Your body is a canvas of strength and resilience. Embrace the beauty within, and let the waves of confidence carry you to the shores of self-love. Be kind to yourself, and wear that swimsuit because Every Body is a Beach Body!

Bec wears Alulu SwimBec wears Alulu Swim

Bec – @ilovethatskirt



(Save 15% off storewide on any order over $AU200 with code SY15)


I love this style of swimsuit because it gives the look of a two piece but with the coverage and support of a one piece. The high waisted pant is comfortable and I love the support of the top.


I totally get it. It’s daunting. It’s overwhelming. But, I guarantee you will regret not jumping in the pool or the ocean because you worried about what you look like in a swimsuit. Put on the swimsuit and have fun! Make memories and enjoy this amazing life.

So, tell me … will you get your body into a swimsuit this summer?

Photos: @katelukephotography

Editor’s note: each swimwear brand gifted a swimsuit to each model and paid a small fee to be in this campaign to cover model and photography costs. In previous years, Styling You The Label has absorbed these costs.

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2023

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2021

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2020

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2019

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2018

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2017

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2016

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2015

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2014

Styling You Swimsuit Edition 2013

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - 10 women; 10 swimsuitStyling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - 10 women; 10 swimsuit

Styling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - 10 women; 10 swimsuitStyling You Annual Swimsuit Edition 2023 - 10 women; 10 swimsuit

2023-12-01 01:10:00

#Styling #Annual #Swimsuit #Edition

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