Home Australia Fashion It’s been (more than) a while…

It’s been (more than) a while…

Cream teddy borg coat from ASOS
It's been (more than) a while...

It’s been more than a minute hasn’t it folks? Despite keeping up with Instagram and Pinterest, I have stepped away from the blog for the past six months to just deal with things like lockdown, small children and a house move. You know, all those things that get in the way of sitting down to write about fashion every other day. As I was lamenting the other day on the struggle to find freelance writing gigs, my friend looked at me and said, ‘Uh, why don’t you start updating the blog again?!’

The most obvious answer, right there in front of my eyes.

So what have I been doing for the past six months? What have you guys been up to? Melbourne experienced one of the longest and strictest lockdowns since the beginning of COVID last year, we were basically on stay at home orders with an 8pm curfew for 22 hours a day. At first it was kind of a novelty being home all the time, but as the months wore on I could tell that for a lot of people it was wearing.

Lady Melbourne's toddler daughter

The world’s kept turning at breakneck speed however, and it seems like an age since Joe Biden was inaugurated only five short months ago. Meghan and Harry did their explosive interview with Oprah, Afterpay Australian Fashion Week was the first in the world since COVID to have capacity at shows and the front row full. Bennifer is on again and Balenciaga is currently serving stiletto Crocs. You read correctly, stiletto crocs.

I’ve been reading and listening to a lot of podcasts, here’s just a few that I’ve loved of late:

West Cork
In West Cork, it’s simply known as ‘the murder’. In 1996 French film producer Sophie Toscan du Plantier is found dead near her holiday home. There are no witnesses and no known motive. The police suspect one man in this community but they can’t make a charge stick and he refuses to leave, living under the glare of suspicion ever since.
The story telling in this podcast is excellent and you will find the main character Ian Bailey absolutely riveting.

Chameleon: Hollywood Con Queen
Chameleon unspools the story of one of the weirdest and wildest scams in history. Over the past seven years, hundreds of Hollywood gig workers have been fooled into flying to Indonesia for a movie that doesn’t exist. This deeply reported show from two veteran investigative reporters examines the cost of wanting something so badly that you see only what you want to see, contrasted against how information – and disinformation – can be used as a weapon to prey on true believers.
This story is just so wild and unusual that you will not be able to stop listening. The best tip I got before I started was to avoid Googling the podcast or the story behind it before you listen because there is one MASSIVE twist you do not want to miss.

Mama Rising: Discovering The New You Through Motherhood
It’s the secret to what you’ve been feeling since starting this Motherhood journey. It’s the missing link, the forgotten transition of womanhood. Understanding this ancient yet thoroughly modern insight into motherhood will change everything. It will explain that pull to be there for your child’s every moment, yet also crave your independence. It will stop the guilt and the comparison, and allow you to soften into the gift of motherhood. It’s called Matrescence: the radical identity shift a woman goes through when she becomes a mother.
This book was such a refreshing game changer for me! I would urge anyone who’s felt their identity shift after having kids, but haven’t been able to put into words why or how to pick up this book.

Baby with borg teddy coat

So there you go, a little update from my end with more to come. I’ve got lots of new skincare to review and share with you all, plenty of fashion and a couple of opinion pieces thrown in for good measure. I’m back baby!

2021-06-16 06:03:00


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