Home Australia Fashion 10 more useful travel helpers I’m glad I packed

10 more useful travel helpers I’m glad I packed

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8 reasons to add APT's Douro Delights river cruise to your travel list

I’m a sucker for organisation in my daily life and that definitely flows over into my travel life. Here are 10 more useful travel helpers I’m glad I packed in my luggage for our recent trip to Europe. You’ll find the first 10 I shared in this post.

10 more travel helpers to pack in your luggage for your next trip10 more travel helpers to pack in your luggage for your next trip

10 more useful travel helpers

1. Tripit app

It will not surprise you to know that I’m the organiser of our holidays. Yes, there is ongoing consultation but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of booking things, that’s on me. Correction: my husband did book two things for our recent holiday – a stadium tour of his beloved Liverpool’s Anfield Stadium and train tickets to said stadium. HAH. thing else, were down to me. For this holiday, I loaded everything from flights, accommodation, dinner bookings and tours into the Tripit app. This meant that at any time before and during the trip we both could see all the details in one place. We did buy the pro version – the advantage is that you’ll get alerts of any flight changes – often before the airline alerts you. 

2. Small iron/steamer

I’d love to tell you that I used this small iron on our trip but, no, I packed it and my husband used it. HAH. We didn’t have an iron available to us in most of our accommodation so I’m glad we packed. Its biggest advantage is its teeny size and lightweight ways BUT it does take a lot of effort using it to achieve a completely polished look – particularly linen. There are more powerful models out there but you just have to weigh up whether you want to sacrifice suitcase space for a quicker result.

3. Dirt laundry kit

We didn’t have washing facilities at most of the accommodation we stayed in but with this travel bundle kit from Dirt we were able to do some kitchen or bathroom sink washing. When I say “we” I mean my husband was able to do some washing. Are you getting an understanding of how our partnership works when we travel? HAH.

4. Klipsta Spex

I’m a part-time specs wearer but my husband is full-time, constantly swapping from sunglasses to regular glasses, so he was stoked when I gave him a gift I received – the Klipsta Spex – a magnetic glasses clip that allows you to loop your glasses on to your clothing. When out and about, this meant he could have one pair of glasses and the other at the ready for a swap.

5. Camelbak water bottles

I’m a water snob – and we were also travelling to some places where it wasn’t advised to drink the tap water – so we invested in Camelbak filtered water bottles. They may weigh a it more because of the filter but they worked a treat – leakproof when closed too. We packed them empty for our flight and filled before going on board the plane.

6. Pelli bags soft chill bag

This was something I thought about last minute and I’m glad I did. For the first week of our trip we were doing day trips each day in our hire car and/or on boats. So, packing a soft insulated esky flat in our suitcase meant that we had something to cart drinks and snacks in for each day. For ice bricks we froze small water bottles, which were drunk and refilled for the next day.

7. Dyson AirStrait

I LOVE my AirStrait (you can watch my video review HERE) but I didn’t buy it until I knew from Dyson’s customer service team that it would work in the countries I was visiting. I found out the hard way during our Japan trip earlier this year that different hair appliances don’t always work in all countries. Thankfully the AirStrait did work for me in Greece, UK and France but that wouldn’t be the case everywhere and your guarantee could be voided. For me, the AirStrait is a one-appliance, wet-to-styled winner for my current hair style.

8. Le Cap phone straps

I use these straps in my day-to-day life because my phone is always with me and I’m prone to dropping it. For travel, they really came into their own. It meant I could keep my phone on me at all times for taking photos but with a level of safety from theft that can be rife in high-tourist areas. For example, it meant I never had to put my phone down on a table at a cafe or restaurant. Bonus: they’re CUTE. They’re crafted from fabric and subtly bejewelled with charms. Of course, I packed two different colours!

9. Davek mini umbrella

This is the ideal umbrella to stash in your checked luggage but also not think twice about carrying with you in your day bag should the weather gods offer up a light rain/drizzly situation. In a storm or a torrential downpour, it wouldn’t hold up but for our purposes on this trip, these were great when used in conjunction with a raincoat.

10. Lula roll-on oil blends

I’m obsessed with getting good sleep. One of my sleep “tools” is the Lula sleep balm or oil blend (see my video review HERE). For travel, I found the roll-on version ideal. I packed it and the Calm blend in my carry-on liquids pouch and it definitely helped me stay calm in transit and doze off during the flight.  Just quietly, travelling with a stash of the Lula Eye Masks was genius for saving dry, tired eyes. Use code STYLINGYOU for a one-tie 15% discount site-wide at Lula Eye Mask.

What I packed everything in (and very glad I did!)

I did a lot of research before investing in new checked luggage ahead of our three-week trip to Europe. I wanted a top opening suitcase that wasn’t an over-the-top price. I landed on the Neos range at Zoomlite and couldn’t have been happier. Yes, my chosen shade weathered a lot on the trip, as I knew it would, but I was able to clean her up (with a Magic Eraser) to not brand new but in a very acceptable condition. 

I also used and loved the Zoomlite packing cubes. Click HERE to receive your 10% site-wide discount code at Zoomlite.

All items except the Klipsta Spex purchased by me. This post contains some affiliate links. If you click on those links and buy a product I’ve featured, I may receive a small commission. You don’t pay any more.

2024-10-11 11:51:00

#travel #helpers #glad #packed

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